Novers Hill

012 nhc pocket park view

Novers Hill

Bristol, UK

Novers Hill is a low-energy neighbourhood of 58 beautiful homes providing a ‘gentle density’ centred around co-living and stewardship, complemented by WeCanMake serviced plots. 

The brief was to design a sustainable new neighbourhood for 50+ homes.

012 nhc design principles

The design principles focus on helping establish a new neighbourhood community with co-housing and stewardship at its core through a mosaic of complementary land uses, celebrating local nature, and establishing a unique identity and long-lasting legacy.

012 nhc village common view
012 nhc arrival view

The shared streets and public spaces promote and facilitate a safe, active, healthy lifestyle for residents and visitors. With the community at the centre, traffic follows a low-speed one-way system with minimal on-site parking, the streets are pedestrian priority.

Novers Hill offers the opportunity to grow a place where ecologically connected landscapes form intermingling habitat corridors and species-rich environments, weaving in and out of streets and lanes atop buildings. A place for a diverse community: families, first-time buyers, the elderly and everyone in between. A place founded on the core principles of the neighbourhood, biodiversity enhancement, and community stewardship.

All required energy is generated on-site through ground source heat pumps, PVs, and shared battery facilities, providing heat and power for homes and on-site community facilities. The site is designed to drain, attenuate and store water to be recycled and reused.

012 nhc pond view

Client: Goram Homes and Bristol Housing Festival

Year: 2023

Location: Bristol, UK


Mitchell Eley Gould Architects

Momentum Transport Consultancy